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Κυριακή 19 Απριλίου 2009

What a true friend should do

These are some things that a true friend should always have in her mind, because they are the 5 rules of a true friendship:

1. NEVER ever steal your best's or not friend ex-imaginary-true boyfriend!!!
It's the first and most important low where a girl's friendship was built on! If you break the rule, then bye bye! It's normal! Would you ever forgive your B.F.F. if she did such a think?

And what if: And what if u like him so much u just cannot control it?

Idea: Try to avoid him and to don't speak about him at all. Also, try to help your friend with her realationship with him. You 'll see you will forget him sometime!

2. Don't tell anyone her secrets!
If you do so, she can't trust you anymore, and you will never be B.F.F.s again! You would do the same if you were at her position!

And what if: And what if you are a gossip girl and cannot keep your mouth shut?

Idea: Try to practise to keep secrets by surfing on the net! Find a gossip about a really famous person you like. If you manage not to tell anyone till the end of the day, you'll made it! Even if this doesn't work, when she is about to tell you a secret, try to avoid the discussion and talk about something else! Also, when you are about to tell someone her secret, think what life would be without her and get off this place.

3. Don't tell others bad things about her!
It's like telling bad things about yourshelf, and others can see that. Someone could also tell her what you said and she 'll be mad at you for the rest of your life!

And what if: And what if it's in your blood to tell bad things about others when they are not in front?

Idea: Well, your problem is big! Never stop thinking "she is your best friend and you love her" when you are about to say something! Even if you say it, you have to apologise her before she hear your comment from someone else!

4. Never ever be jealous of her!
Remember, jealousy destroys very quickly a friendship! If you are jealous of each other, how your friendship is going to be a healthy relationship?

And what if: And what if she is better than you at (almost) everything and you can't stop yourshelf from being jealous of her?

Idea: Every time you are jealous of her try to think all the good things you've got and she hasn't! You can ask your mum's help and ask her to tell you every morning why she loves you and what are the cool things about you, but be carefull, do not become a snob!!!

5. Do not lie at her!
If lies are among you relationship, then it can never be a nice one! What would you feel if she lied at you? Could you ever trust her again?

And what if: And what if you just can't stop telling lies or you have already told her one?

Idea: Before you tell a lie, say to yourshelf "does it worth it? Why you want to lie? Is it a good enought reason to poison your relationship?" You will descover that most of the time it doesn't! Now, if you have already told her a lie, you'd better tell her the truth! U know if u say 1 lie, then u say 1000 to cover it! Just admit it! Say "I'm sorry, I lied at you for that reason, but I promise it will never happen again. I didn't do it to hurt you." and done, but if you say it, you have to believe it and never do it again, except, of course if it is really important!

These are the 5 rules of a true friendship, and if you deal with them, you and your friend will be B.F.F.

P.S. If you and your friend fight sometimes, it's ok, but if you are very pissed off, try to keep your anger and don't go overboard 'cause you will loose her!!!

Hope I helped!

Love, C